How Can an Operations Management Solution Help Reduce Waste and Increase Sustainability?

The analysis of a company's operations can help identify areas where energy use and carbon emissions are high. Companies can then explore alternatives to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, such as investing in energy efficiency improvements or buying renewable energy sources. In the area of waste, companies should actively seek ways to reduce their own waste and purchase supplies with minimal packaging. For travel and transport, the sustainable company should promote the use of public transport, teleworking, ridesharing, flexible working hours and fuel-efficient cars for employees.

Additionally, companies should consider environmentally friendly alternatives for transporting products and supplies, such as increasing fleet efficiency, using second-generation biofuels or fuel created from waste, and local sourcing to reduce the number of miles that products and supplies travel to reach their final destination. Introducing more ethical and sustainable supply chains is a good practice for any company. Lean management is a long-term operational discipline that systematically seeks to improve efficiency and quality by identifying and eliminating waste of time and materials. Employees are taught to detect waste or possible errors in their work and develop impactful, sustainable and long-term solutions.

By combining optimized management techniques with telematic solutions, facility managers have access to real-time data to track key performance metrics such as energy consumption, battery performance and cost savings. This tool allows managers to identify inefficiencies, identify opportunities to operate more effectively, control and reduce waste, and ultimately measure progress in relation to specified sustainability objectives. Efficient management helps teams make specific process improvements by providing visibility into daily operations. Operations managers who want to drive growth by reducing energy consumption can use ERP software to find ways to save money and new ways to make money.

Additionally, they can use this software to monitor their operations in real-time, identify areas of improvement, optimize processes for maximum efficiency, reduce waste, increase sustainability, and track progress towards sustainability goals. By leveraging the power of an operations management solution, companies can reduce their environmental impact while also increasing their bottom line.

Hope Hallquist
Hope Hallquist

Award-winning travel lover. Devoted beer scholar. Wannabe beer advocate. Professional bacon fan. Amateur food geek. Freelance social media junkie.