Is operations management in high demand?

The work of an operations manager is essential to achieve common key business objectives, such as strengthening supply chains and improving efficiency. Talented professionals who can fill vacancies in operations management are in high demand and are likely to continue to be so for years to come. The field of operations management is growing because all companies need the job functions performed by these business professionals. The roles that operations managers perform are diverse and often complex, and these high-paying positions are often assigned to business leaders who have extensive experience in a particular organization, industry, or sector.

Here is a description of some of the job functions of operations managers, the typical career path followed to obtain the position, and the expected job growth for the professional field. Operations management includes a number of tasks, which means that operations managers often end up doing a little bit of everything. In a nutshell, operations managers do what companies need to do while maximizing efficiency at every step of the process. Operations managers work to convert inputs, such as raw materials, into products, such as goods and services.

They facilitate the journey from supplier to company and from company to customer. Another interesting perspective on this career is the variety of sectors that are looking for business operations managers. Whether in the public or private sector, every organization needs an operational function. From retail stores, banks, government agencies to hospitals, manufacturing units and more, the demand for an operations manager is ever-present.

We've also focused on the skills most needed in the operations themselves. If the position also involves management responsibilities or other responsibilities, then additional skills will be needed. We've seen many people start out in more junior operations roles and be quickly promoted to positions of great responsibility, both within operations and more broadly. Cons of a career in operations management When you start a career in operations management, it may not seem progressive or lucrative like other professional business roadmaps.

For example, applicants who earn an MBA in operations management have significantly higher upward mobility and earning potential than those who only have a bachelor's degree. The position of operations manager requires the exercise of good judgment, quick decision-making and excellent communication skills. All consumer products, from the office table to the wheat used in bread, would likely be produced under the direction of an operations manager. However, before dedicating yourself to the field, it's crucial to take a step back and determine if the field of operations management is right for you.

Some popular certifications offered by the Association of Operations Managers (APICS) are those for production and inventory management and supply chain logistics. For example, an operations manager who works for an engineering services company may have a technical degree, but one who works as an operations manager for a restaurant may have a degree in food service management. However, they focused on operations because they are better at operations compared to other members of the community. The functions of operations managers include oversight of human resources, facilities, and financial management.

This system must operate with close to 100% reliability, everyone must receive their payments on time, and you must ensure that the organization correctly manages its cash flows and complies with all local laws. While some operational management positions don't require specialized certifications, these credentials improve new employment prospects and promotion opportunities for operations managers.

Hope Hallquist
Hope Hallquist

Award-winning travel lover. Devoted beer scholar. Wannabe beer advocate. Professional bacon fan. Amateur food geek. Freelance social media junkie.